Abhijit Bhaduri’s Blog

I write about careers, skills and the world of work. The cartoons and sketches are mine.

The Stagnation Trap
Abhijit Bhaduri Abhijit Bhaduri

The Stagnation Trap

Some employers truly believe that the best way to reduce employee turnover is to make them unattractive in the job market. If your employer has not prepared you for the next role, then leave before you are asked to.

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What is the point of staring at the stars? Find out
Abhijit Bhaduri Abhijit Bhaduri

What is the point of staring at the stars? Find out

What is the point of staring at the stars?

What is the point of eating ice cream?

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Is it a mistake to look for charismatic leaders
Abhijit Bhaduri Abhijit Bhaduri

Is it a mistake to look for charismatic leaders

We tend to equate charisma and leadership qualities. While it takes a charismatic leader to re-energize a team that has given up, the problems of charismatic leaders far outweighs the positives. The conviction of Elizabeth Holmes on multiple counts of fraud is a warning for us.

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What 3000 People Want In 2022
Abhijit Bhaduri Abhijit Bhaduri

What 3000 People Want In 2022

More than 200,000 people were asked about what they would want if one wish of theirs could be granted. More than 4000 people responded. More money in the same job was the second choice on their wish list. What did they want more than money, I wondered.

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Youthful, Mature or Veteran
Abhijit Bhaduri Abhijit Bhaduri

Youthful, Mature or Veteran

Age based generalisations are fairly accurate and predictive when we are younger. The same approach is inaccurate when we are older. We will soon have five generations working side-by-side. It is important to take a nuanced view of those who are above 50 years old.

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Can a growth mindset enable success

Can a growth mindset enable success

The experiments in “growth mindset” were primarily done on children in the beginning and it was observed that intelligence does change in children and fluctuates the most during adolescence and then stabilizes. So just wishing for it to increase is not going to make it happen. Think of intelligence as the processor in a computer. Having a faster processor makes the programs load faster.

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2019: The Year of New Media at Work

2019: The Year of New Media at Work

To reimagine the workplace as an experience, one needs to understand the new media. Whether it is AR or VR or Mixed Reality or Holograms or even podcasts, there is lots to choose from. For that the HR teams will need to learn enough about the new media and then layer it with their imagination and creativity to create the experiences. The workplace needs to be a deeper digital experience and instant access to information is one way to create that. The HR teams must work with people who understand web design, user interface design, video production, data visualisation and of course, content creation.  

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How to be an AI Superpower
Blogs Blogs

How to be an AI Superpower

Artificial Intelligence will be the next electricity. Take healthcare. The market for healthcare artificial intelligence tools is expected to surpass $34 billion in the next 18 months. AI will drive $8.6 billion in annual revenue by 2025, contributing to the $34 billion total in software, hardware and consulting. To win this race you have to craft a 3 pronged approach: Data, Tools and Talent.

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How Office Politics Corrupts the Search for High-Potential Employees

How Office Politics Corrupts the Search for High-Potential Employees

Few topics have captivated talent management discussions more intensely than potential. But how good are we at evaluating human potential? The answer is, it’s mixed. In the real world of work, organizational practices lag behind, with 40% of designated “HiPos” — high-potential employees — not doing well in the future and at least one in two leaders disappointing, derailing, or failing to drive high levels of engagement and team performance. Despite the tools being available, political processes derail how talent is identified in organizations.

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Book Review: Talent Is Overrated

Book Review: Talent Is Overrated

How do you get to Carnegie Hall?”The answer: Practice, practice, practice.If you have not heard that one then you have certainly been told as a child, “Practice makes a man (or woman) perfect.”What if I told you that both the sayings are wrong? Maybe I should say that they misguide you to believe that if you practice, there is no reason for you not to be at the top of your vocation. The reality is that practice does not help you achieve perfection — “deliberate practice” does.

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