Abhijit Bhaduri’s Blog
I write about careers, skills and the world of work. The cartoons and sketches are mine.
The Mind-Body-Soul Framework for Peak Performance in 2025
These words come from a tweet by James Clear. Together it combines what it takes to transform you into a winner in 2025
Set goals, stay motivated & what to do IF you achieve the goals
Book Review: Get it Done
Setting goals is a science. You may be doing it wrong
and no it is not about SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound) hashtag#goals. We all know that.
This is about the hashtag#science of hashtag#motivation.
Do you know which goals hashtag#work better
a) When you say you will DO something
b) When you say you will NOT DO something
What does reframing have to do with hashtag#success?
My hashtag#bookreview of Ayelet Fishbach book Get It Done
Formal Learning - what matters to learners
What motivates adults to sign up for a formal learning opportunity? This may be useful for you to decide if you really need to join the next conference you are being invited to. When adults want to embrace a formal learning opportunity, they want to learn from a Master. It is who I WANT to learn from - not just who can teach the subject.