Is Audio The Next Employer Branding Platform?
Live Audio is having a moment
I had predicted the rise of 3 Vs ie video, visuals and voice in my column for Business Line <Read it> Then in my post dated Jan 6, 2021, I added a 4th V ie Vernacular to drive the rise of Pin-Code based Jobs <Read it>. A month later on 2nd Feb 2021, I wrote about the exciting possibility of drop-in audio with the arrival of Clubhouse <See this>
Almost 35% of top Google searches in the past year were in non-English languages (key APAC markets). In Philippines, there is a 120% increase in searches for “hey google”, showing a rise in voice activated searches.
In the last four years vernacular content and video drive the 2.5 times rise in internet adoption in rural India. There is 90% growth in Google searches for “translate English to Hindi” (India). Mobile is the device of choice for 100% of active users to browse the internet. Visuals are being used by Dreamers and Unicorns as they try to reach this market of 400 million consumers of 'Middle India'.
What is it being used for?
Job seekers and finding recruiters. To coach people on how to answer interview questions. <Listen to this>
Think of live audio like a podcast where the listener can chime in.
The options for Audio are evolving as a powerful media. I spoke to Rajeev Raja who designs the “sonic identity: for various brand. Watch this. This video has some great flute pieces played by Rajeev. He is one of India’s most accomplished jazz musicians. Enjoy the chat and the possibilities that Audio can throw up.
Read what Business Line has to say <Click this>