Abhijit Bhaduri’s Blog
I write about careers, skills and the world of work. The cartoons and sketches are mine.
Republic Day 2022
The Ceridian report on pulse of talent 2022 says employers have to think beyond money. Here are three big take aways for #employers
LinkedIn Talent Trends 2022
LinkedIn Talent Trends 2022 talk about the organisations going through a period of redesign. What are people looking for when they browse the jobs? The data is powerful in view of the Great Resignation triggered by the pandemic.
Culture Building For Remote Teams
Culture Building for hashtag#remoteteams
I was invited by LinkedIn News India to join Pallavi Pareek (She/They) and Ankit Vengurlekar (he/him) to discuss this topic. This is a special edition of my hashtag#newsletter
Three Ms That Matter (The other two are explained in the newsletter)
Mental Health: This matters HUGELY in case of a remote work culture. Build the skills of the managers to recognise emotions like grief, stress, burnout etc.
Are You A Career 3.0 Person... Stuck in a Career 1.0 Job
"Why can't you focus on doing JUST ONE THING, " is a constant advice you get. You like juggling a number of projects and excelling at all of them.
You teach yourself new skills continuously - even when you could just get by. Sometimes you are better at it than even the people who have studied the subject. Does that sound like you?
You have a great job, but you wish you could do more. You may be craving to follow a Career 3.0 path but stuck in a Career 1.0 job.
What Makes TikTok Tick
TikTok is more popular than Google: Chinese-owned video-sharing app clocked up more visits after surge in popularity during pandemic. The app received more visits than Google for the first time, said Cloudflare.
The surge comes after the app became popular during the Covid-19 pandemic
Sabbaticals - a way to stay sane
The pandemic will some day soon just wane
But long hours & stress makes it hard to stay sane
Some now want to go back to work, but some just don't
No childcare is the reason many of 'em just won't
Offer sabbaticals even if it goes against your grain
Is it a mistake to look for charismatic leaders
We tend to equate charisma and leadership qualities. While it takes a charismatic leader to re-energize a team that has given up, the problems of charismatic leaders far outweighs the positives. The conviction of Elizabeth Holmes on multiple counts of fraud is a warning for us.
Can you be happy in a job that you hate
Everyone is wishing that you have a have a HAPPY new year. Is it always possible to be happy? What if you work in a job that you hate.
The Impact of Influencers - How Google Measures It
Working with influencers is not a choice. Top creators can give you the kind of reach one can get with a television ad - and get that at a significantly lower cost. How do you measure it? Google did their magic on this and found the answer.
Your Skills & Your Brand - Build These Two in 2022
What is 2022 going to be like, we would all like to predict. I am not going to predict anything. I will tell you what YOU should do. I will limit it to two things you should do in 2022 (that rhymes!!)
Make a Digital Native as Your Reverse Mentor
When You Look for a Mentor, Pick a Digital Native
We are questioning conventional wisdom every day. From media to government to demographics and education, everything is in a spin. Supply chains are choking. Chip shortages are halting auto giants.
When the world is going digital, experienced leaders will do well to pick a mentor who is a digital native. Yes, I am advocating a reverse mentor for everyone above the age of 35.
You need 2 qualities to learn from someone younger. Do you have them?
Alphabetica - a Book Review
This allegorical tale features the letters of the alphabet as ‘characters’ living on the planet ‘Typewriter’ and in a country called ‘Alphabetica’. With the consonants being the majority and vowels the minority, the book takes a deep dive into the majoritarianism of the world.
What 3000 People Want In 2022
More than 200,000 people were asked about what they would want if one wish of theirs could be granted. More than 4000 people responded. More money in the same job was the second choice on their wish list. What did they want more than money, I wondered.
Create opportunities for unbranded talent
Hiring from Tier1/ Tier 2 Colleges is Unfair
If hashtag#diversity of the hashtag#talent pool is a necessary condition for building innovative solutions. The practice of hiring from Tier1/ Tier2 colleges (and paying them a premium) is an unfair practice.
Employees are getting used to working fairly unsupervised: Abhijit Bhaduri
Technology must be viewed as a means to simplify work rather than the employee looking at it as yet another piece of work that gets added
The Workplace in 2021
Technology must be viewed as a means to simplify work rather than the employee looking at it as yet another piece of work that gets added.
Six Signals
Trends and weak signals can give everyone a heads up about the future. Accenture has published six such signals. I found them useful. So I took notes… I mean Sketchnotes.
Well-being at workplaces
Globally, an estimated 264 million people suffer from depression, one of the leading causes of disability. Many of these people suffer from symptoms of anxiety. 48% of employees report experiencing high to extreme stress over the past year